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Dennis de Kock
Building a Collection

Document Revision 1.0 (additional editing thanks to Phil Wilson)
First Edited September, 2008
Reads : 25152
1. Foreword
2. Building a Collection
3. Contributed images
In this document we present an article by Dennis de Kock accompanying his personal contribution to Dennis sent to us almost 400 of his wonderful images depicting Ceropegia and stapeliads. You will find Dennis' article here and, at the bottom of this page, a quick index linking all of the contributes images.

We would like to express our thanks to Dennis for this wonderful work! Thank you!

Fabio & Loukie
December 1st, 2008.

Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[barrydalensis] P.V. Bruyns 37}
by Dennis De Kock.

When my Ceropegia and stapeliad collection reached its peak during our summer of 2006/2007, my greenhouse housed some 890 clones from different localities. The Ceropegia collection amounted to approximately 165 clones of 62 species, subspecies and varieties. The stapeliad collection contained about 725 clones of approximately 315 species, subspecies and varieties. To build this collection took many years, and many plants were lost during this time.

My interest in plants started at a young age, when I grew up on a farm between Barrydale and Montagu, which is in the Little Karoo, a very dry area where many succulent plants grow. I went to school on a neighboring farm, and had to walk there. Especially in the afternoons I did what most kids do, I explored the hills along the road, eating ripe berries from the wild shrubs. I soon discovered some succulent plants, some of which tasted well, so soon I brought some home, planted them in my mother’s flower garden, where they disliked the weekly irrigation, and died. When I was old enough to attend secondary school, my father bought a farm near Bonnievale, which lies in the Worcester – Robertson Karoo, an area also containing many succulents. Now I went to school by bus, but over weekends spent time searching the hills on and around the farm. The plants I now collected were planted on a small rock garden.

After completing school, I spent one year on compulsory military training, then studied for four years and after that spent a year working in an office in Cape Town. During this period there was little time to think about plants.

Then, in 1962, I got married, and we settled into a flat in Cape Town. Here the balcony was soon converted into a small garden. My interest in succulents continued, and whenever finance allowed, I went on small collecting trips, sometimes as far as Namaqualand. During this time I met Rolf Rawe, who was working in a succulent nursery near to where I lived. He was then involved in the revision of Conophytum, and I learned a lot from him. My interest, needless to say, was now focused on the small succulent mesembs, and I soon had a small collection of Lithops, Conophytum, Gibbaeum, Argyroderma and Pleiospilos growing on my balcony. I also learned the botanical names for these plants, and apart from the training in these names that I received from Rolf, I also managed to find in a library Nel’s books on Lithops and Gibbaeum, and I also bought my first book on succulents, Jacobsen’s Lexicon of Succulent Plants.

Echidnopsis ciliata {Bailes 136 }
by Dennis De Kock.

After a few years living in Cape Town, I was transferred to a field office in Worcester. Now I spent most of my time in the field, working in areas like the Great Karoo, Namaqualand, Eastern Cape, and also in the Richtersveld and Southern Namibia. The collection now expanded, but was still mainly focused on mesembs. I met the late Mr. Frank Steiner, the then Curator of the Karoo Botanical Gardens in Worcester, who was very keen to help me where possible with names etc. I also met Mr. Van Breda, head of a plant research farm just outside Worcester. He had a wonderful collection of stapeliads, and it was not long before I also added some to my collection.

Then after spending some years in Worcester, I received a phone call from the local Land Surveyor in Swellendam. His partner was leaving, and he asked me if I would be interested in joining the company. Negotiations went well, and soon we were living in Swellendam. This area is not particularly rich in Mesembs, but haworthiads are plentiful. So soon the collection contained some Haworthias as well. I kept contact with the Karoo Gardens and met the new Curator, Bruce Bayer, who, in turn was studying the Haworthias, and also soon I had his handbook on these plants in my small library.

But by 1975, after working there for 5 years, the practice was not doing financially well, mainly because of certain new Government Regulations, which reduced coastal urban development, and also putting restrictions on farm subdivisions, two of our most profitable activities. The practice was up for sale, and I went back to the Government Service. This time I was stationed at Mafeking, which lies near the Botswana border, and is close to the Kalahari Desert. Once again in Lithops country, there were also some stapeliads to collect. I now met Professor Desmond Cole, of Lithops fame. From him I purchased seeds of most Lithops species, from which I grew a very large nearly complete collection.

Orbea sacculata {G. Orlando 212301 plant}
by Dennis De Kock.

After three years in Mafeking I was on the move again, this time transferred to Natal, working at Ulundi, which is in the north. Here stapeliads were plentiful, and I was fortunate to rediscover the then Caralluma gerstneri, and also made the first collections of Caralluma maculata and Caralluma rogersii from Natal. Ever since I met Bruce Bayer, I used to send samples of whatever I found to Worcester, for identification and for their records. On a visit to Worcester, I met the late Mr. Larry Leach, who was then employed at the Gardens, and soon I was in possession of the first volume of his Taxonomic Series. Through him I learnt a lot about stapeliads, and as the following volumes of the series became available, I purchased them all. It was during my stay in Natal that I collected a Ceropegia for the first time, it being C. linearis, a plant still surviving in my collection. Others like C. nilotica, C. haygarthii and C. sandersonii soon followed.

After three years in Natal I was transferred to the Department’s head office in Pretoria. By now I had a handy collapsible greenhouse, and moving the collection was easy. During my stay in Pretoria I worked in a wide area – North, East and Western Transvaal, Natal, Eastern and North Western Cape, as well as Free State, and was always on the lookout for new plants. I made friends with Mrs. Priscilla Swart, who had taken over from Mr. Hardy at the Botanical Research Institute in Pretoria, and we soon exchanged plants, I supplying Haworthias, she stapeliads. I also started to make use of their library, making copies of all the articles dealing with stapeliads I could lay my hands on.

After some twelve years in Pretoria, I took early retirement, sold my house there and moved back to Swellendam. I now had large collections of Lithops, Haworthias and stapeliads, as well as a number of Ceropegia and Anacampseros. The last I always collected when I found them, but as naming them still posed a problem, labels contained only collecting numbers and locality data. I was always fascinated by them and had accumulated a medium sized collection. From previous experience, I knew that the near tropic but damp climate of Swellendam was not suitable for Lithops, so I donated the entire collection to the Karoo Gardens. Although prime Hawortia country, I had by now become aware of the destruction of populations by ruthless collectors. So, after some careful consideration, I felt I did not want to be involved with Hawortias any more – so also they went, this time to a friend. I now managed to get hold of M. Gerbaulet‘s key for Anacampseros, and soon had names added to the labels.

Orbea maculata subsp. maculata {De Kock 351 }
by Dennis De Kock.

Then, one day I received a phone call, which would drastically change my collection in the years to follow. It was from Dr. Peter Bruyns. Although by then I have read most of his articles, and was well aware of what he was doing, I had never met him. He was in the vicinity of Swellendam and wanted to come and see me. I had by this time built, what my wife called, a community hall, an 8.0m X 7.0m greenhouse, to replace the small collapsible one. His comment, after going through the collection was that I should throw away all the plants without data in the collection. These plants were purchased and received from numerous collectors and nurseries. I replied that I would love to do so, provided he replaced them with plants with data. Which he soon began to do. Soon I was running short of space in the “community hall”, so again part of the collection had to go – the Anacampseros. They were also donated to the Karoo Botanical Gardens. Now I was left with the Ceropegia and stapeliad collections only. Peter undertook many trips in preparation for his first book(s) on the stapeliads, and of whatever he brought back, some came to me, to propagate and flower, and then to be returned to him to enable his studies, after which they came back to me. He also started to visit countries not to be included in his first book(s), which meant a steady stream of plants flowing in. So the collection began to grow into a decent botanical collection of properly documented plants. Meanwhile I have made contact with a number of overseas collectors like Dr. G. Barad of the U.S.A, Mirek Ricanek and Pavel Hanacek of the Czech Republic, and Giuseppe Orlando from the Canary Islands. From them all I received many plants on an exchange basis, mostly plants from their own collections in Arabia and North Africa. Also Chris Moore, John Frew and Rodney Simms from Great Britain became friends who honoured me with visits, likewise also Mirek and Pavel did.

In 2002 I moved yet again! We decided to sell the property in Swellendam. Although we enjoyed living there, we decided to move to our holiday house in Struisbaai. So once again the collection was packed up, the “community hall” dismantled and rebuild at Struisbaai. Here the climate is cool and damp, a most unlikely climate for desert plants to survive in, and stretching my horticulture experience to its limits.

The pictures I have donated to were all taken from my collection, but form only part of my picture collection. It was agreed between Peter and myself that none of his collected plant material, still under study by him, will be distributed by me, which includes also pictures of them as well. This is understandable, as he does go to great expenses and trouble to collect them. So, unfortunately the rest will not be available before his final work on the stapeliads is published.

Dennis de Kock
South Africa

Please click on the SI-Code number on the left of each line to access the entity referring to the item you want to see.

3290 - Ballyanthus prognathus {D 883}
3291 - Ceropegia affinis {[C.racemosa] De Kock 1087}
3292 - Ceropegia africana subsp. africana {De Kock 1737}
3293 - Ceropegia africana subsp. barklyi {De Kock 1085}
3294 - Ceropegia albisepta { D 1020}
3295 - Ceropegia ampliata {Bruyns 4993}
3296 - Ceropegia ampliata {flowers}
3297 - Ceropegia ampliata {plant}
3298 - Ceropegia arabica var. powysii {[barbigera] Lavranos & Gilbert 94}
3299 - Ceropegia arabica var. powysii {D2405 b}
3300 - Ceropegia arabica var. superba {Ricanek & Hanacek237}
3301 - Ceropegia arenaria {Lehmann sn}
3302 - Ceropegia aristolochioides subsp. aristolochioides {D 1433}
3303 - Ceropegia aristolochioides subsp. aristolochioides {D1080 }
3304 - Ceropegia aristolochioides subsp. deflersiana {Collenette 7762}
3305 - Ceropegia aristolochioides subsp. deflersiana {Ricanek & Hanacek246}
3306 - Ceropegia armandii {D 1904}
3307 - Ceropegia decidua subsp. pretoriensis {De Kock 2562 }
3308 - Ceropegia denticulata subsp. denticulata {Field & Powys 201}
3309 - Ceropegia dichotoma subsp. dichotoma {G. Orlando sn D 2485}
3310 - Ceropegia fimbriata subsp. connivens {De Kock 1736}
3311 - Ceropegia fusca {D2017 Ricanek & Hanaceksn}
3312 - Ceropegia fusca {D2017}
3313 - Ceropegia haygarthii {De Kock 1111}
3314 - Ceropegia linearis subsp. linearis {De Kock 369 }
3315 - Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii {De Kock 1466 }
3316 - Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii {De Kock 1478 }
3317 - Ceropegia nilotica {De Kock 363}
3318 - Ceropegia occulta {De Kock 1589}
3319 - Ceropegia pachystelma {D 513}
3320 - Ceropegia pachystelma {De Kock 1091 clone 2}
3321 - Ceropegia rendallii {D 985 Peckover sn}
3322 - Ceropegia rendallii {De Kock 1368}
3323 - Ceropegia rendallii {De Kock 986}
3324 - Ceropegia rupicola {D 1905}
3325 - Ceropegia sandersonii {De Kock 1098 b}
3326 - Ceropegia sandersonii {Ward 3825}
3327 - Ceropegia simoneae {Rauh 73113}
3328 - Ceropegia stapeliiformis subsp. serpentina {D 1034}
3329 - Ceropegia stapeliiformis subsp. stapeliiformis {De Kock 959}
3330 - Ceropegia variegata {Ricanek & Hanacek228}
3331 - Ceropegia zeyheri {De Kock 1486 plant}
3332 - Ceropegia hybrid {1}
3333 - Desmidorchis adenensis {D 1940 Visse sn.}
3334 - Desmidorchis arabica { De Kock 1931}
3335 - Desmidorchis flava {D 1939 Visse sn.}
3336 - Desmidorchis flava {D 2303 SC sn.}
3337 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitosa {(compacta) De Kock 2582}
3338 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitosa {De Kock 1477}
3339 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitosa {De Kock 1591 }
3340 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitosa {De Kock 2157}
3341 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitosa {De Kock 2589}
3342 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. pubescens {P.V. Bruyns 6114}
3343 - Duvalia caespitosa subsp. vestita {De Kock 2497}
3344 - Duvalia corderoyi { P.V. Bruyns 9818}
3345 - Duvalia corderoyi {D 332}
3346 - Duvalia elegans {De Kock 2499}
3347 - Duvalia elegans {P.V. Bruyns 7642}
3348 - Duvalia elegans {P.V. Bruyns 7643}
3349 - Duvalia immaculata {De Kock 1484}
3350 - Duvalia immaculata {P.V. Bruyns 9974}
3351 - Duvalia immaculata {R. Nagel 921}
3352 - Duvalia maculata {P.V. Bruyns 5737}
3353 - Duvalia modesta { De Kock 2711}
3354 - Duvalia modesta {De Kock 1476 new}
3355 - Duvalia modesta {De Kock 2711a}
3356 - Duvalia modesta {P.V. Bruyns 10000}
3357 - Duvalia modesta {P.V. Bruyns 5973}
3358 - Duvalia parviflora {De Kock 800}
3359 - Duvalia pillansii {KGW 177-73}
3360 - Duvalia polita {PA 1072}
3361 - Duvalia polita {PA sn. - D 1414}
3362 - Duvalia velutina {SC 9187 side view}
3363 - Duvalia velutina {SC 9187}
3364 - Duvaliandra dioscoridis {D. Plowes 3076 sub Barad }
3365 - Echidnopsis archeri {Newton sn., - D 2670 }
3366 - Echidnopsis ballyi {Lav. & Horwood 10403 a}
3367 - Echidnopsis ballyi {Lav. & Horwood 10403}
3368 - Echidnopsis bihendulensis {ex hort D 2877 }
3369 - Echidnopsis cereiformis {(E.nubica) D 1415}
3370 - Echidnopsis cereiformis {D. Plowes 8268}
3371 - Echidnopsis ciliata {Bailes 136 }
3372 - Echidnopsis ciliata {Bailes 136 side view}
3373 - Echidnopsis dammaniana {Dodds sn., - D 2352 }
3374 - Echidnopsis dammanniana {G. Orlando 221402}
3375 - Echidnopsis ericiflora {Dodds sn., - D 2671 side view}
3376 - Echidnopsis ericiflora {Dodds sn., - D 2671}
3377 - Echidnopsis globosa {Lav 30811}
3378 - Echidnopsis inconspicua {Ricanek & Hanaceksn., - D 2893 side view}
3379 - Echidnopsis inconspicua {Ricanek & Hanaceksn., - D 2893}
3380 - Echidnopsis leachii {Specks 1075 sub U. Meve}
3381 - Echidnopsis leachii {Specks 1075 sub P. Shirley }
3382 - Echidnopsis mijerteina {Lav. 24902 b}
3383 - Echidnopsis mijerteina {Lav. 24902 c}
3384 - Echidnopsis mijerteina {Lav. 24902 d}
3385 - Echidnopsis montana { D. Plowes 7946}
3386 - Echidnopsis oviflora {Specks 1264 b}
3387 - Echidnopsis oviflora {Specks 1264 c}
3388 - Echidnopsis oviflora {Specks 1264 d}
3389 - Echidnopsis planiflora subsp. chrysantha {Lav. 7325 a}
3390 - Echidnopsis radians {Lav. 18591}
3391 - Echidnopsis scutellata {(yemenensis) bud side view D. Plowes 7764}
3392 - Echidnopsis scutellata {(yemenensis) top view D. Plowes 7764}
3393 - Echidnopsis squamulata {Ricanek & Hanacek276}
3394 - Echidnopsis urceolata {(specksii) Specks 787}
3395 - Echidnopsis watsonii {Orlando 23060-A3}
3396 - Huernia aspera {Specks 703}
3397 - Huernia barbata {[campanulata] D 1658}
3398 - Huernia barbata {[clavigera] De Kock 1620}
3399 - Huernia barbata {P.V. Bruyns 4221}
3400 - Huernia boleana { G. Orlando 210603 side view}
3401 - Huernia boleana { G. Orlando 210603}
3402 - Huernia guttata subsp. guttata {[calitzdorpensis] LCL16854}
3403 - Huernia guttata subsp. guttata {De Kock 2705 }
3404 - Huernia hadramautica {Lav. 30762 Side view}
3405 - Huernia hadramautica {Lav. 30762}
3406 - Huernia hadramautica {Plowes & Barad 7797 side view}
3407 - Huernia hadramautica {Plowes & Barad 7797}
3408 - Huernia hallii {P.V. Bruyns 8341}
3409 - Huernia hallii {P.V. Bruyns 8389}
3410 - Huernia hislopii subsp. hislopii {D. Plowes sn., - D 2461}
3411 - Huernia hislopii subsp. robusta {D. Plowes 8813 side view}
3412 - Huernia hislopii subsp. robusta {D. Plowes 8813}
3413 - Huernia humilis {[thudichumii] P.V. Bruyns 4958 }
3414 - Huernia humilis {KGW 754-92 }
3415 - Huernia hystrix {De Kock 172}
3416 - Huernia hystrix var. parvula {de Kock 1178}
3417 - Huernia keniensis {D. Plowes 8140}
3418 - Huernia keniensis {var globosa Newton 2927}
3419 - Huernia keniensis {var grandiflora D 1570}
3420 - Huernia kennedyana {P.V. Bruyns 4373}
3421 - Huernia kirkii {P.V. Bruyns sn., - D2402}
3422 - Huernia lavrani {G. Barad 11519}
3423 - Huernia leachii {Peckover sn., - D 1974}
3424 - Huernia lenewtonii {D. Plowes 8141}
3425 - Huernia lenewtonii {D. Plowes 8141side view}
3426 - Huernia longituba subsp. longituba {D3113 side view}
3427 - Huernia longituba subsp. longituba {D3113}
3428 - Huernia mccoyi {McCoy 2284}
3429 - Huernia namaquensis {P.V. Bruyns 8259}
3430 - Huernia oculata {P.V. Bruyns 5227}
3431 - Huernia oculata {P.V. Bruyns 8064}
3432 - Huernia pendula {P.V. Bruyns 2144}
3433 - Huernia piersii {P.V. Bruyns 1763 }
3434 - Huernia pillansii {De Kock 2704 }
3435 - Huernia plowesii { Van Zanten sn.}
3436 - Huernia praestans {P.V. Bruyns 7119}
3437 - Huernia recondita {MGG 1729}
3438 - Huernia rosea {Ricanek & Hanacek230E side view}
3439 - Huernia rosea {Ricanek & Hanacek230E}
3440 - Huernia similis {Leach & Cannell 13986 side view}
3441 - Huernia similis {Leach & Cannell 13986}
3442 - Huernia somalica {Lav & Horwood 10426 }
3443 - Huernia stapelioides {De Kock 1327}
3444 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. brevirostris] De K (1)}
3445 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. brevirostris] De K (2)}
3446 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. brevirostris] De Kock }
3447 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. brevirostris] P.V. Bruyns 3721}}
3448 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. brevirostris] P.V. Bruyns 9778}}
3449 - Huernia thuretii {[brevirostris subsp. intermedia] P.V. Bruyns 4934}
3450 - Huernia urceolata {B. Crouse }
3451 - Huernia urceolata {B. Crouse side view}
3452 - Huernia volkartii {Peckover sn., - D 1972}
3453 - Huernia volkartii var. repens {Peckover sn., - D 1971}
3454 - Huernia zebrina subsp. insigniflora { P.V. Bruyns 6598}
3455 - Huernia zebrina subsp. insigniflora {L.C. Leach 16641}
3456 - Huernia zebrina subsp. zebrina { P.V. Bruyns 3533 }
3457 - Larryleachia cactiformis { P.V. Bruyns 6119 }
3458 - Larryleachia cactiformis { P.V. Bruyns 6119 plant}
3459 - Larryleachia marlothii {P.V. Bruyns 8069 plant}
3460 - Larryleachia marlothii {P.V. Bruyns 8069}
3461 - Larryleachia picta {P.V. Bruyns 8340 }
3462 - Larryleachia picta {P.V. Bruyns 8340 side view}
3463 - Lavrania haagneri {P.V. Bruyns 4069 flower}
3464 - Lavrania haagneri {P.V. Bruyns 4069 plant}
3465 - Lavrania haagneri {P.V. Bruyns 4069 stem}
3466 - Monolluma hexagona {(C. shadhabana) PRE 19400}
3467 - Monolluma solenophora {Barad artificial pollinated}
3468 - Notechidnopsis tessellata {P.V. Bruyns 4581 plant}
3469 - Notechidnopsis tessellata {P.V. Bruyns 4581}
3470 - Ophionella arcuata subsp. mirkinii {P.V. Bruyns 4257}
3471 - Ophionella arcuata subsp. mirkinii {P.V. Bruyns 4922}
3472 - Ophionella willowmorensis {P.V. Bruyns 4966 side view}
3473 - Ophionella willowmorensis {P.V. Bruyns 4966}
3474 - Orbea albocatanea {P.V. Bruyns 5667}
3475 - Orbea araysiana {Ricanek & Hanacek284 }
3476 - Orbea baldratii subsp. somalensis {Heunis 423 (Bally 16107)}
3477 - Orbea carnosa subsp. carnosa {De Kock 1384}
3478 - Orbea carnosa subsp. keithii {(lancasterii] L.C. Leach 17285}
3479 - Orbea carnosa subsp. keithii {De Kock 367 }
3480 - Orbea cooperi {Peckover sn., - D 1138}
3481 - Orbea decaisneana {(Ang. sudanensis) D. Plowes 7479}
3482 - Orbea gilbertii {D. Plowes 8276 }
3483 - Orbea hardyi {P.V. Bruyns 6570}
3484 - Orbea huernioides {G. Barad 11517}
3485 - Orbea huernioides {plant G. Barad 11517}
3486 - Orbea huillensis subsp. flava {P.V. Bruyns 5515}
3487 - Orbea huillensis subsp. huillensis {P.V. Bruyns 6480}
3488 - Orbea laikipiensis {D. Plowes 8123}
3489 - Orbea laikipiensis {M. Dodds sn., - D 2369}
3490 - Orbea longidens {Peckover sn., - D 1136}
3491 - Orbea longii {P.V. Bruyns 8419 side view}
3492 - Orbea longii {P.V. Bruyns 8419}
3493 - Orbea lugardii {R. Nagel sn., - D 2160}
3494 - Orbea macloughlinii {Lubbers sub. L.C. Leach 14742}
3495 - Orbea macloughlinii {P.V. Bruyns 8920}
3496 - Orbea maclouglinii {ex hort. D 1043}
3497 - Orbea maculata subsp. maculata {De Kock 351 }
3498 - Orbea maculata subsp. rangeana {P.V. Bruyns 8065}
3499 - Orbea melanantha {De Kock 1376}
3500 - Orbea miscella {P.V. Bruyns 4909}
3501 - Orbea miscella {P.V. Bruyns 9815}
3502 - Orbea paradoxa {Peckover sn., - D 1237 side view}
3503 - Orbea paradoxa {Peckover sn., - D 1237}
3504 - Orbea paradoxa {P.V. Bruyns 4465}
3505 - Orbea pulchella {P.V. Bruyns 4262}
3506 - Orbea sacculata {G. Orlando 212301 plant}
3507 - Orbea sacculata {G. Orlando 212301}
3508 - Orbea schweinfurthii {P.V. Bruyns 8724}
3509 - Orbea semitubiflora {SL & UM 3372}
3510 - Orbea semota {M. Dodds sn., - D 2353 Clone A}
3511 - Orbea semota {M. Dodds sn., - D 2353 Clone C}
3512 - Orbea semota {Pehleman 2090}
3513 - Orbea semota {Specks 929 }
3514 - Orbea semota subsp. orientalis {Luke 5511 Side view}
3515 - Orbea semota subsp. orientalis {Luke 5511}
3516 - Orbea sprengeri subsp. sprengeri {G. Orlando 211502}
3517 - Orbea taitica {Luke et al 5561}
3518 - Orbea umbracula {P.V. Bruyns 7418}
3519 - Orbea variegata {De Kock 2496 Clone 1}
3520 - Orbea variegata {De Kock 2496 clone 2}
3521 - Orbea verrucosa {De Kock 1023}
3522 - Orbea vibratilis {D. Plowes 8145}
3523 - Orbea wissmannii {McCoy KSA 112 }
3524 - Orbea wissmannii {Ricanek & Hanacek203 }
3525 - Orbea wissmannii var. parviloba {Heunis 114}
3526 - Orbea wissmannii {Visse sn., - D 2392}
3527 - Orbea woodii {D 885}
3528 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. articulata {(P. flavescens] M.B.}
3529 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. articulata {P.V. Bruyns sn., - D 1784}
3530 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. asperiflora {D 1691 Open flower}
3531 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. asperiflora {P.V. Bruyns sn., - D 1690}
3532 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. asperiflora {PVB1257 }
3533 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. asperiflora {PVB1257 side view}
3534 - Pectinaria articulata {subsp. asperiflora, open flower M.B. Bayer 65}
3535 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. borealis {P.V. Bruyns 8301}
3536 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. namaquensis {De Kock 510 a}
3537 - Pectinaria articulata subsp. namaquensis {De Kock 510 b}
3538 - Pectinaria longipes subsp. longipes {P.V. Bruyns 10001 }
3539 - Pectinaria longipes subsp. villetii {P.V. Bruyns 7950 Clone B}
3540 - Pectinaria longipes subsp. villetii {P.V. Bruyns 7950}
3541 - Pectinaria maughani {P.V. Bruyns 6302}
3542 - Pectinaria maughanii {P.V. Bruyns 6302}
3543 - Piaranthus atrosanquineus {P. Alp sn., - D 1412 profile}
3544 - Piaranthus atrosanquineus {P. Alp sn., - D 1412}
3545 - Piaranthus atrosanquineus {P.V. Bruyns 6538 side view}
3546 - Piaranthus atrosanquineus {P.V. Bruyns 6538}
3547 - Piaranthus comptus {M.B. Bayer 5204}
3548 - Piaranthus comptus {P.V. Bruyns 3721 Clone A}
3549 - Piaranthus comptus {P.V. Bruyns 3721 Clone B}
3550 - Piaranthus comptus {P.V. Bruyns 3721}
3551 - Piaranthus comptus {P.V. Bruyns 8179 }
3552 - Piaranthus comptus {P.V. Bruyns 9817 }
3553 - Piaranthus cornutus {(pallidus) Peckover sn., - D 1403}
3554 - Piaranthus cornutus {(pulcher) KBG sn., - D 1544}
3555 - Piaranthus cornutus {(pulcher) Peckover sn., - 1404}
3556 - Piaranthus cornutus {P.V. Bruyns 4886 }
3557 - Piaranthus cornutus {P.V. Bruyns 4886}
3558 - Piaranthus cornutus var. rushii {A. Russel 12}
3559 - Piaranthus decipiens {Wilkenson sn., - D 310}
3560 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. decorus {LC Leach 16064}
3561 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. decorus {M.B. Bayer 2473}
3562 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. decorus {MBB3927}
3563 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. decorus {P.V. Bruyns 4796}
3564 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {(disparilus) D 1550 a}
3565 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {(disparilus) De Kock 6}
3566 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {(fuscatus) D 1476b}
3567 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {(pillansii) DdK 2707 C}
3568 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {(pillansii) DdK 2707}
3569 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[barrydalensis] De (1)}
3570 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[barrydalensis] De Koc}
3571 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[barrydalensis] KBG 28}
3572 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[barrydalensis] P.V. Bruyns 37}}
3573 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[foetidus] De Kock 146}
3574 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[foetidus] KGW145-94}
3575 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[foetidus] P.V. Bruyns 986 (1)}}
3576 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[foetidus] P.V. Bruyns 986 (2)}}
3577 - Piaranthus geminatus subsp. geminatus {[foetidus] P.V. Bruyns 9868 Cl}}
3578 - Piaranthus parvulus {Barkhuizen sn., - D 937}
3579 - Piaranthus parvulus {P.V. Bruyns 9841}
3580 - Piaranthus punctatus {M.B. Bayer 3416}
3581 - Piaranthus punctatus {P.V. Bruyns 7851}
3582 - Quaqua arenicola subsp. pilifera { P.V. Bruyns 5983}
3583 - Quaqua cincta {R. Nagel sn., - D 2899}
3584 - Quaqua parviflora subsp. gracilis {De Kock 2583 }
3585 - Quaqua parvifora subsp. parviflora {R. Nagel 57 }
3586 - Quaqua parvifora subsp. parviflora {R. Nagel 57 side view}
3587 - Rhytidocaulon arachnoideum {Specks 1853}
3588 - Rhytidocaulon ciliatum {Ricanek & Hanacek264 }
3589 - Rhytidocaulon fulleri {D 3104 plant}
3590 - Rhytidocaulon fulleri {D 3104}
3591 - Rhytidocaulon macrolobum {P.V. Bruyns 10193 }
3592 - Rhytidocaulon macrolobum {Ricanek & Hanacek265 sub Specks}
3593 - Rhytidocaulon paradoxum {Specks 21532}
3594 - Rhytidocaulon paradoxum {Specks 21532.Stem}
3595 - Rhytidocaulon subscandens {Specks sn., - D 2952}
3596 - Richtersveldia columnaris {P.V. Bruyns 8279}
3597 - Stapelia arenosa {De Kock 2373 }
3598 - Stapelia arenosa {De Kock 2581}
3599 - Stapelia cedrimontana {De Kock 786}
3600 - Stapelia clavicorona { PRE sn., - D 1155}
3601 - Stapelia clavicorona {P.V. Bruyns 7003 }
3602 - Stapelia divaricata {P.V. Bruyns 1182}
3603 - Stapelia engleriana {Barkh. sn., - D 932}
3604 - Stapelia erectiflora { KGW sn., - D 605}
3605 - Stapelia erectiflora {De Kock 2373 }
3606 - Stapelia erectiflora {De Kock 2373 profile}
3607 - Stapelia erectiflora {De Kock 2574 face view}
3608 - Stapelia erectiflora {De Kock 2574 side view}
3609 - Stapelia erectiflora {De Kock 2574}
3610 - Stapelia flavopurpurea {Pehleman 3376 }
3611 - Stapelia flavopurpurea {Pehleman 3376 side view}
3612 - Stapelia flavopurpurea {P.V. Bruyns 8096}
3613 - Stapelia glanduliflora {De Kock 804 }
3614 - Stapelia grandiflora {De Kock 896}
3615 - Stapelia hirsuta {[asterias] De Kock 1919}
3616 - Stapelia hirsuta {[pulvinata] D 1623}
3617 - Stapelia hirsuta {De Kock 676}
3618 - Stapelia hirsuta var. baylissii {[praetermissa] Stayner 272}
3619 - Stapelia hirsuta var. baylissii {M.B. Bayer 2057}
3620 - Stapelia hirsuta var. tsomoensis {[peglerae] P.V. Bruyns 4390}
3621 - Stapelia hirsuta var. tsomoensis {P.V. Bruyns 2143}
3622 - Stapelia hirsuta var. vetula {De Kock 1785}
3623 - Stapelia kwebensis {Pehleman 3641}
3624 - Stapelia obducta {P.V. Bruyns 7060 }
3625 - Stapelia olivacea {D 1597 }
3626 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. kougabergensis {plant P.V. Bruyns 5005}
3627 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. kougabergensis {P.V. Bruyns 5005}
3628 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. paniculata {profile P.V. Bruyns 6173}
3629 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. paniculata {P.V. Bruyns 6173}
3630 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. scitula {P.V. Bruyns 6790 plant}
3631 - Stapelia paniculata subsp. scitula {P.V. Bruyns 6790}
3632 - Stapelia pearsonii {P.V. Bruyns 3552}
3633 - Stapelia pillansii {D 785}
3634 - Stapelia remota {Steenkamp sub PRE 57257}
3635 - Stapelia rubigonosa {Cole 1001}
3636 - Stapelia schinzii {P.V. Bruyns 5583}
3637 - Stapelia shinzii {P.V. Bruyns 5583}
3638 - Stapelia surrecta {D 1051 }
3639 - Stapelia unicornis {P.V. Bruyns 4457}
3640 - Stapelia villetiae {D 1053 }
3641 - Stapelianthus decaryi {P.V. Bruyns 5960 side view}
3642 - Stapelianthus decaryi {P.V. Bruyns 5960}
3643 - Stapelianthus madagascarensis {G. Barad 11771}
3644 - Stapelianthus montagnacii {[hardyi] P.V. Bruyns 6203}
3645 - Stapelianthus pilosus {P.V. Bruyns 5959 side view}
3646 - Stapelianthus pilosus {P.V. Bruyns 5959}
3647 - Stapeliopsis breviloba {R. Nagel 119 }
3648 - Stapeliopsis exasperata {P.V. Bruyns 4306}
3649 - Stapeliopsis exasperata {R. Nagel 102}
3650 - Stapeliopsis khamiesbergensis {P.V. Bruyns 8249}
3651 - Stapeliopsis neronis {Peckover sn., - D 1405 }
3652 - Stapeliopsis pillansii {P.V. Bruyns 8418}
3653 - Stapeliopsis saxatilis {EvJ 14195}
3654 - Stapeliopsis saxatilis {from sandstone P.V. Bruyns 9782 }
3655 - Stapeliopsis saxatilis {from sandstone P.V. Bruyns 9782}
3656 - Stapeliopsis saxatilis {P.V. Bruyns 3710}
3657 - Stapeliopsis saxatilis {P.V. Bruyns 6171}
3658 - Stapeliopsis staynerii {P.V. Bruyns 1263 b}
3659 - Stapeliopsis staynerii {P.V. Bruyns 1263}
3660 - Stapeliopsis urniflora {P.V. Bruyns 8092}
3661 - Tavaresia barklyi {PRE 29745 }
3662 - Tavaresia barklyi {PRE 29745}
3663 - Tridentea gemmiflora {East of Barrydale }
3664 - Tridentea jucunda {P.V. Bruyns 5119}
3665 - Tridentea parvipuncta subsp. truncata {De Kock 2584}
3666 - Tridentea peculiaris {D sn.}
3667 - Tromotriche baylissii {P.V. Bruyns 6325}
3668 - Tromotriche revoluta {P.V. Bruyns 6021}
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