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Fabio d'Alessi - About Us Some information about us and our site Document Revision 1.0 First Edited October, 15th, 2005 Reads : 14931 | is the result of an idea by
Loukie Viljoen and Fabio d'Alessi.
Years ago Loukie, from his house in South Africa,
was posting his photos and habitat pictures on the
Yahoo! Groups mailing list dedicated to Stapeliads.
One evening Fabio, from his house in Italy,
contacted Loukie offering his help to build up
a site to allow people to enjoy the pictures
and plethora of information Loukie had to
In a world where everybody seems to be struggling
to patent everything in order to make as much
money as possible, the meeting of two folks
living on two opposite sides of the planet
and willing only to help the community and put
their efforts, passion and work available to
anyone, produced
We hope that you will appreciate the site,
but, most important, that you will understand
and share our philosophy of free and open
information for everybody, joining our
You can find more about the ideators of the site
by looking at their personal pages (meet
now). runs on a good old linux server.
The site has been built by Fabio d'Alessi between 2004 and 2006 on the following infrastructure: