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  Section : Chronology of Stapeliads   
 drawing of Hoodia bainii by Harriet Thiselton-Dyers in Curtis' Botanical Magazine, 1878

This section contains the "Chronology of Stapeliads", a collection of historical notes compiled by Loukie Viljoen between November 2004 and January 2005.

The Chronology of the Stapeliads includes biographical notes and species discoveries of the major botanists who studied this group of plants. The biographical notes are organized according to the years of activity of each one of the several authors included.

A separate document is dedicated to Justus Heurnis, who can be regarded to as the first pioneer in Stapeliad history.

As you will see, not much material is listed up to the 17th century, and the 18th century fills a single document, where the 19th century has been divided in several sections, with botanists and authors becoming more and more with the years. This reflects the history of the exploration of the regions where Stapeliads naturally occurr, as well as the increase of interest in these plants during the centuries.

Most of the notes and drawings have been extracted from the three volumes "the Stapeliae" by White & Sloane (1937, Abbey San Encino Press, Pasadena, California, US). Portraits have been scanned after obtaining permission from ... on ....

Justus Heurnius

A pioneer in Stapeliad history
the early days of Stapeliad History

The Stapeliads up to the establishment of the genus Stapelia (1753)
18th Century

The Stapeliads through the years (1700 to 1799)
19th Century, part 1 (1800-1850)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1800 and 1850
19th Century, part 2 (1853-1869)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1853 and 1869
19th Century, part 3 (1870-1880)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1870 and 1880
19th Century, part 4 (1883-1896)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1883 and 1896
19th Century, part 5 (1897-1899)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1897 and the end of 1899
20th Century, part 1 (1901-19++)

Authors and Explorers of the years between 1900 and 2000

For any further information contact the author.

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